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With accessibility, we can all go places


For Cam Calkoen, mobility is at the core of who he is – and it’s what drives him. Born with Cerebral Palsy, a physical disability which impacts personal mobility and speech, Cam’s resolve to overcome his challenges and go places in life took him to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro. Now he’s sharing his own personal story of determination to inspire others to accomplish their goals, and help them access the mobility they need to achieve their dreams.


Championing mobility to inspire others

As an ambassador to YES Disability, a charity working to ensure representation for young people with disabilities, Cam has been a passionate advocate for empowering young people to overcome challenges and pursue their dreams. As well as helping to raise over $4 million to build the YES Disability Resource Centre, Cam has been a champion for mobility initiatives such as the I.Drive Licensing Program.


Having a license can be a huge milestone in the journey towards independence, and it can provide a crucial sense of freedom and confidence. The I.Drive Licensing Program supports young people with disabilities in attaining their learners or restricted driver’s licenses, opening up new opportunities that may otherwise be out of reach. 

Sharing the experience of overcoming adversity

Cam’s personal story ranges from refusing to be defined by his physical limitations during childhood, to becoming a full-time athlete, to climbing to the 6000-metre summit of Mt Kilimanjaro in Africa. These accomplishments were important as a way of demonstrating that anything is possible with determination and vision.


Now, Cam channels his experiences to inspire others as a public speaker, with talks centred on helping people to achieve their own dreams. In 2020 Cam was named ‘Speaker of the Year’ by the National Speakers Association, due to his ongoing work in motivating countless Kiwis to overcome their own challenges.

Our vision for the future of mobility

Like Cam, Toyota is committed to helping everyone go places. From community partnerships that increase access to Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) to innovative robotic technology that helps people live more independently, we aim to be at the forefront of what’s next. And we’re determined to help Kiwis go places safely, sustainably, and equitably too.


Dr Michelle Dickinson

As a renowned engineer and nanotechnologist, plus a bestselling author, Michelle is paving the way for greater gender diversity in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) fields for the next generation.


Matt Watson

Matt combines his passion for fishing with his commitment to the environment by teaching others about how sustainable practices can ensure New Zealand’s ocean stays healthy and abundant.