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There's a Hilux for that

Bush, beach, building site, or all of the above? Wherever life might take you, you can build a truck to make the most of it. And if you said none of the above, perhaps the Hilux will change your mind.

An unbreakable bond

Behold, the powerful Hilux. It’s time to begin a bond as powerful as the ute itself. Featuring a tougher looking exterior and a beefed up 2.8-litre turbo-diesel engine with 15% more power, it’s one gutsy specimen.

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If you are partial to a Hilux update or two, sign up to get all the latest offers and news.


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Add Toyota Genuine Accessories

Just when you thought the Hilux couldn’t look any tougher or perform any harder. Turns out, there’s a tray-load of accessories for that. Customise with Toyota Genuine and T-Custom accessories and begin a bond as powerful as the Ute itself.

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