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Small Business Driver: The Drunken Nanny


The Drunken Nanny is a small, boutique goat cheese business operating out of Wairarapa, creating some of the best cheese in New Zealand – something they can evidence with their recent win of the Supreme Award for the Best Boutique Cheese in the 2020 New Zealand Cheese Awards.

On their family farm just 16km south of Martinborough, the Goodman family have hand-selected, bred and raised the herd of dairy goats whose milk goes into making The Drunken Nanny’s cheeses. The Goodman farm is an idyllic place to be a goat, with the animals afforded a “free-range” lifestyle with plenty of space to graze and lots of different pasture and herbs to eat – all of which contribute to the fresh, delicate flavours of The Drunken Nanny’s cheeses

The Drunken Nanny’s Fresh Lush cheese is their star product, offered in several variants. The smooth, fresh chèvre-style goats’ cheese is made using only the freshest milk, allowing the sweet and creamy flavours to shine through. Other popular products from The Drunken Nanny include their camembert, feta, and Black Tie cheeses.

When Level 4 lockdown hit New Zealand, the Goodmans were severely impacted as their key customers – cheese shops, delis and restaurants buying their cheese – suddenly disappeared. It became uneconomic to continue milking for the season, meaning the decision was made to dry the goats off until the next season in August. Although this has impacted the Goodmans’ business hugely, they admit that they’re enjoying watching their happy goats lounging around in the sun – effectively on holiday!

With an old business car sitting on 300,000km and in desperate need of an upgrade, The Drunken Nanny team were overjoyed to win Toyota’s Small Business Driver initiative and have since been utilising the vehicle every day to keep their farm running smoothly and make cheese deliveries easy. The Goodmans have also been using the Mediaworks advertising package to promote their brand and product to both their local community and nationally.

The Drunken Nanny’s beautiful selection of cheeses, perfect for your next pizza night, dinner party or cheeseboard, can be found in selected Moore Wilson’s, Farro Fresh, CommonSense Organics, and New World stores. You can also check them out online: